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We provide three (3) primary services including: 
Multi-Peril Crop Insurance, Crop-Hail Insurance, and GPS/Mapping Service.
Multi-Peril Crop Insurance


In this area there are two (2) types of Multi-Peril Insurance (MPCI) that we provide and they both cover natural perils including: excessive moisture, drought, hail, wind, etc. Multi-Peril Insurance is a federally supported program and is regulated by the government.  It is then sold and serviced by private-sector crop insurance companies.  As a federal program the premium rates are set by the government and therefore are the same from company to company.  However, premiums do vary depending which policies, which options, or the level of coverage the insured chooses.  Also, an insured's farming history can affect the premium costs.  For more details about crop insurance you can go to the USDA's website (


Yield Protection (YP) Policy


As the name suggests, the Yield Protection policy provides basic coverage for a crop's yield production.  This type of policy has been around for years, but is less common in the area because of the limited coverage it provides.


Revenue Protection (RP) Policy


The Revenue Protection policy was created to provide a higher level of protection for those who market their grains.  It includes the yield protection that the YP policy provides, but it also provides a price guarantee.  For instance, in some cases a producer can make their bushel guarantee and still have a price loss if market prices drop.

drought damaged wheat

Multi-Peril Options


Within the MPCI policy there are various options that can be added to fit the coverage that works for you.  Please contact us so we can discuss all of these options with you.


  • Basic, Enterprise, & Optional Units

  • Yield Adjustment (YA)

  • Trend-Yield Adjustment (TA)

  • Yield-Exclusion (YE)

  • Coverage by Practice



Crop-Hail Insurance
golf ball size hail

Hail causes hundreds of millions of dollars in damages to crops and property each year.  According to the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA's) Quick Facts sheet "The majority of hail damage occurs to agricultural crops."  In 2021 Kansas was ranked 2nd for "Major Hail Events" (from the Insurance Information Institute website) and so there is a high level of risk from hail damage in this area.  Since hail is a common thing in the area and it comes close to wheat harvest time, we provide additional Crop-Hail policies for protection.


Doesn't Multi-Peril cover hail damage?

Yes, to a certain extent MPCI does include coverage for hail.  However, it is not cost effective to write a MPCI policy that covers 100% of your expenses.  Multi-Peril generally provides 65%-75% coverage, and so the Crop-Hail policy helps cover the "top half" that Multi-Peril misses.


It's Simpler

Since Crop-Hail is not a federal program, it is a much simpler policy to understand and service.  You simply ask for a dollar amount to cover per acre (there are limits to prevent over insuring) and then the premium rates are based on the township the ground is in.  Unlike MPCI where you have to insure all the crop in the county, with Crop-Hail you can pick and choose fields to cover and you can even pick a portion of a field.  Also, a Crop-Hail policy can be written at any time and provides coverage immediately or within 2 hours of binding the policy (depending on which insurance provider you write with).  An inspection by an Adjuster must be done before binding a policy if there is prior hail damage.

Crop-Hail Options


  • Wind & Hail

  • Various Deductables

  • Green-Snap


Grain Fire


MPCI & Crop-Hail policies provide protection for fires started naturally (lightning).  However, a Grain Fire policy can be added to protect against fire damage caused by man (ie. cigarettes, hot exhaust from equipment, etc.).


Mapping Service

Crop Insurance, like many other areas, has changed with the use of technology.  Data, digital mapping, & GPS are tools that are helping farmers to become better producers.  Those tools have also made their way into Crop Insurance to help service policies.  In 2008 G & H Insurance started offering our GPS/Mapping Service to help producers accurately report their acres, and we will continue to expand our service as technology grows. 


Crop Insurance relies on farmers reporting how many acres they plant and the plant date.  In the past farmers just wrote those figures on forms, however those figures were not always accurate.  Maybe the farmer was guessing the amount of acres on a piece of ground, there was an adding mistake on the acres, a waterway was put in that changed the acres, or a new piece of ground was purchased.  Mapping & GPS systems help take the guesswork and mistakes out of reporting.  Insureds can now receive map based Acreage Reports (ARs) that are visual pictures of their ground where they can report where their crop acres are at.


Digital Mapping


Digital Mapping uses satellite based map images and computers to more accurately draw and calculate the area of fields, waterways, and other boundaries.  Digital Mapping is similar to Google Earth, however our maps can include more detailed information including soil type and they are linked to the USDA systems to include farm, track, and field number information (CLU data).


Precision Farming


Precision Farming is an emerging technology that combines data from planters, sprayers, combines, digital maps, and other equipment to give producers vast amounts of information to help in their farming practices.  For those that are starting to use this technology, filling out handwritten Acreage Reports and Production Reports for Crop Insurance can take time.  Crop Insurance companies are working on how farmers can upload that information directly from their equipment to their Insurance Agent online.   G & H Insurance is growing in this technology as well and we are in the process of receiving training on providing this service to our customers.  We will update you more on this service as we expand.

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